Monday, September 15, 2003

One of the many interesting parallels between God’s earthly kingdom and the kingdom of Satan is that God’s earthly kingdom has its capital city in the land of Palestine, while the empire of the devil has always had its capital city in the plain of Shinar of present day Iraq. Jerusalem is God’s capital city in the land of Palestine, and its roots go back to the city of Salem where Melchizedek was priest and king. Abraham paid tithes to Melchizedek after defeating the armies which had looted Sodom and Gomorrah (Genesis 14). Jerusalem later became the capital city of the Old Covenant Kingdom under King David and will be the capital city of the New Covenant Kingdom when Christ rules the earth for 1,000 years.

Satan’s capital city of Babylon goes back to the tower of Babel in the land of Shinar and the apostate religion of Nimrod (Genesis 10:9,10). Later, the city of Babylon was established in the plain of Shinar and became the capital city of the Babylonian Empire. Babylon will become the capital city of the empire of the antichrist in the tribulation period (Zechariah 5:5-11). It is interesting to note that one of the kings who looted Sodom and Gomorrah and was defeated by Abraham in Genesis 14 was the King of Shinar. This gives further evidence of the continuous rivalry that has existed throughout history between God’s power in Jerusalem and the Satan’s power in Babylon.

Another parallel between the Kingdom of God and the kingdom of the devil is seen in the trinity of the deities. The Bible clearly teaches that God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit dwell together as one. Satan will imitate that pattern during the tribulation period with the antichrist, the false prophet, and the dragon who is Satan, himself.

Another parallel is seen in the fact that Jesus Christ was killed by the religious leaders of His day. He was buried, and He rose again the third day. As the great impostor, Satan will manipulate the hearts of certain people during the tribulation period who will cause the antichrist to suffer a mortal wound. After this mortal wound the antichrist will appear to come back to life.

Finally, Jesus Christ was God in human form. He was born of a virgin and, therefore, had no human father. Satan, being the great imitator, will rise from the bottomless pit (Revelation 17: 8) to dwell within the body of the antichrist after the antichrist receives his mortal wound.

Regardless of Satan’s attempts to imitate God’s earthly kingdom, his empire of evil will be no match for the power of God. Satan’s empire of lies will crumble before the truth of Jesus Christ. At the end of the tribulation period, Jesus Christ will return to earth with the hosts of heaven to defeat the antichrist. Christ will cast the antichrist and the false prophet into the lake of fire and will cast Satan into the bottomless pit for a thousand years. At the end of the thousand years, Satan will be loosed for one final rebellion. His rebellion will be crushed, and he will be cast into the lake of fire with the antichrist and the false prophet.

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